More weapons...
I don't know if this is even "doable" w/ the current game engine, but I'd love to see some sword & dagger, 2-handed sword, 2-handed axe, and 1-handed hammer/mace combat integrated into the game. It would not only expand the types of characters you could play, but it'd bring some freshness to the game.
It'd be nice to be able to wield a hammer & shield, or to get some fencing style combat via a sword & dagger.
The only hurdle I can come up with is the need for new animations, and a way to implement sword + dagger combat. Two handed swords and axes would simply have a higher damage range, lower attack rate, but otherwise use the existing sword and axe attacks. One-handed hammers would have a lower damage range, higher attack rate, but still sue the hammer skills, as well.